Sunday, February 5, 2017

Deer Creek Ice Fishing 2-2-2017

Thursday Parker had the morning off and any time we can get away we do. So for quick trip we decided to try Deer Creek and see if the ice was safe.  We got there about 7:30 and got ready, we stepped on the ice and was quite cautious for the first few steps but seeing people on the ice made us a little more comfortable.

We hiked out to the Island and set up camp where we thought we would catch a few brown trout.  Parker bought a new Strikemaster electric ice auger that we were both excited to see how it performed. This one has a 10 inch blade on it, which is the first one we seen with that big of blade. Parker cut the first couple holes with ease, no pulling mixing of gas nothing just squeeze the trigger.  We cut another five or six holes with ease.

Parker caught the first fish within minutes of setting his pole. Rainbow trout and he was in 15 ft of water I was outside of him and got a hit but missed it. The little planter was kind enough to quick release and return to the water on it's own with a couple flips.

I moved in toward the bank and cut a hole, stating I was going to catch a brown in this hole.  8 feet of water and bush on the floor, I set the pole and left it.  I was out checking my other pole and looked back at shallow pole in time to see it being dragged into the hole.  I moved as quickly as possible and caught it as the last eyelet on the pole was going in the hole. Pulled on it and set the hook.  After a decent fight I pulled a 22 inch brown trout out of the water. After a few laughs, cheers and pictures we released back to the water.

Parker caught another rainbow before we had to go. 9 am the bite stopped we fished until 10:30 and Parker had to get on the road. We were both happy with the days catch and getting out together.

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