Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Utah - This is The Place Heritage Park

Haven't posted here for quite sometime. Because we haven't been anywhere! Getting anxious to hit the road, but this little side trip today was fun. I haven't been to This is the Place in years probably 40 to be exact. It has changed to say the least. They have improved the parking and the layout of the park. They have added some great statues and stories of the history.

I was in SLC today with work and had sometime to myself during lunch break and decided to visit. The first pullout is actually the train museum, but it was closed for the season and then you come to the monument depicting the Mormon Battalion and the story behind the pioneers enlisting. The statues and bronzing are incredible with great detail. The stories are captivating and get you into the feelings of the times.

Pony Express trail is the next stop with an awesome bronze replica of a rider and his horse. then in the upper parking lot is the gift store an old sugar mill that was moved up there. In the summer they have a fully functioning pioneer village right behind it. There are trails with stories and statues all throughout the upper area most of which were snow locked today.

The first thing I did was visit the store and walk through the displays and artwork. Three floors to walk through. The bottom is a theater and room of the Mormon Battalion, a display of the Mormon trail, The Brooklyn ship liner and the role of the pioneers at Sutter's Mill when gold was discovered. That was new to me I didn't realize the impact the Mormon pioneers had on the gold rush.

Main floor is the store and gift shop. Third floor is the art gallery with amazing artwork displayed, depicting the pioneers.

Outside on the main level is the original This is the Place Monument, a display of the handcart pioneers with stories connected to all of them. Stories about the Spanish fathers coming into Utah first. The Indian tribes and the explorers that were part of Utah history all with accompanying plaques telling there story.
This was a great visit all though it was quick still amazing to read and see the history of the pioneers that traveled to Utah.

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