Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fishing South Utah Valley

Friday I went solo to a number of waters that I have wanted to try and they are ice free. I loaded up and drove to the south end of the valley to my first destination. Spring Lake, a town and a lake.  Pulling in a Sheriff was parked at the lake, I took advantage of asked if he knew anything about the lake. He told me that last summer they caught a nine pound large mouth bass, but beyond that he didn't know that much. The lake is a community pond and fed by a fish hatchery. It has large mouth bass, crappie, bluegill, catfish and trout. I'm sure there are other fish species in the pond but I couldn't verify it. I set up to fish the boat dock at the north end of the lake and then a city crew pulled up to work on the dock. They felt bad but they had to work on the dock and fix some of the boards that had pulled up. The lead crew member, Dale Andreason started to tell me where he thought the fish would be. I continued to fish and actually helped them with chores at hand, real hard work I used my fat butt to help counter weight the dock to raise the one end. I thought I was getting a few hits but then determined that a weed line was the actual culprit. The crew fixed one of the boards then decided they needed some more equipment and two of them went to retrieve it, Dale stayed behind and we talked.

Dale said I really should try the south end where the gate was located. He then mentioned a hole at the other end of the spill gate. This is located on private property but just talk to the owner and mention his name. I said well okay, then he took charge and went and talked to the owner himself for me. He returned and said he was okay letting me on his property to try the hole. Dale knew there would be trout in the hole because they opened the gate and a number of the fish had made there way down stream. So I took advantage of the offer and went to owners house and met him.

Mr. Moore is how I was told to address him so I did just that. As I parked the truck in front of his home I noticed an elderly gentleman putting together some stuff and I waved. Mr Moore was waiting for me and motioned me to come on in to his yard. I met him and and introduced myself, he was quite cordial and had his gear ready to go with me. We walked to the north end of his property where the stream came onto his property. This hole is not large and I thought to myself well this isn't going to last long. The stream had a number of old sand bags in it and a lot of debris from the trees. We set up, he with his old fly pole set up with a worm hook and bobber, me with a green jig. The first pitching cast I made went right into the over growth and hung up. I thought he was going to kick me out immediately but I managed to get untangled and I moved back to my spot. Second cast I hit the hole and a fish followed me back the eddy of the pool. Standing there with the jig just above the water and a trout jump out of the water and hit the jig!! First time ever for me, it was crazy! We continued to fish this little hole and trading casts. The green jig worked okay until I lost it to one of the bags in the hole. I changed out to a pink paddle bug and it was hot for about an hour. I caught multiple trout on it. 

There was one fish that was a decent sized trout, but each time I hooked up and got it to the bank it would get off the hook. Mr. Moore told me of the crappie and bluegill he would catch in this hole all summer. He also told me what was in the lake and how they planted the fish. He also told me that they have wipers in the lake but most of them went down stream to another private lake below him. I fished with Mr. Moore for a couple hours and had a wonderful time conversing with him. The fish shut down at 11:30 and I excused myself to move on to the other lakes and waters I wanted to hit. After a quick lunch I headed to Goshen Warm Springs.

The Springs are about a quarter mile down the trail. They are crystal clear and shallow. I tossed a couple different lures and patterns and seen a few fish follow and sniff the jigs but nothing would strike. They looked huge through the water. I fished the large main pool for about an hour and got nothing.

From here I went to Lincoln beach on Utah Lake and found out where the hot spot was as it was covered with fishers. I mean it looked like those pictures you see of Alaska stacked in shoulder to shoulder. I fished the marina until I lost my jig and called it a day. 

The morning half spoiled me anyhow. I really enjoyed fishing that small hole with Mr. Moore, and the conversation we had. This is a day I will remember!
P.S. we removed most of the debris and old bags from the pool on Mr. Moore's property, I plan to go back in the summer and learn how he catches crappie and bluegill in that pool.

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