Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Electric Lake 9/4/17 Bday trip

Monday morning I picked up Jimmy and Parker and we went to one of our favorite lakes. Knowing that it would not be crowded on the holiday weekend and it is home to some nice cutthroat, and tiger trout and Kokanee Salmon. We pulled into the lake and the temp was 35 degrees, a little brisk for sandals but I survived. We launched and were in the water by 7:30 am. This day was to be quick due to Parker had to turn in his thesis and we had a bbq party to attend that afternoon.

Not too long after we got our lines set Parker hooked up the nicest catch of the day, two pound Kokanee on the down rigger. After he landed his, I got a hit on my rapala, landing a decent cutthroat not huge but okay. Did I mention we were on a time deadline. We kept what we caught today for the smoker.

We fished until 11:30 am and landed another six Kokanee all on the down rigger, guess I am going to invest in some down riggers. We covered the water column and nothing was getting hits but the down rigger. We each took turns reeling them in so we each caught a couple. The smoker was filled with today's catch. 

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