Sunday, September 3, 2017

Return to Jordanelle 8/31/17

Picking up Shifty at 5 am on Thursday morning we headed to Jordanelle in hopes of repeating our success of last week. The day was overcast and brisk morning, the water was smoother than last week but still choppy. Water temps ranged from 68 - 70 depending on where we were.  The water was clear, getting a little more grass floating around.

We got on the lake in the dark and went to the lane that produced for us last week. Getting our lines in the water quickly. I had thought of a dodger challenge for the day, after going through the lane once and getting nothing we changed our minds quickly and put on the pop gear, Shifty ran his squid and bait and I ran a worm. I got the first hit but missed it, the story of my life. Shifty then got one finally on the buoy line. The only fish in that lane. We fished into the dam and then went back into Keetly and fished there for an hour. Shifty got one on before he could get his line set, it hit him on the way out. We landed and kept going, should have stayed there. Not another trout was caught on the day.

We moved back into the Rock Cliff area and fished for smallmouth and got into a few of them but still not that many. Talking to other anglers they were having the same luck as us. I had to be home early so we called it a day just afternoon. We landed maybe 20 fish all day. I got a perch back in the river inlet and a few smallies and Shifty got a few smallies as well.

Definitely not a banner day of catching but still better than being at work.

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