Friday, June 13, 2014

Dead Horse Point State Park

Dan and I had never been to Dead Horse Point so on our way home we took a little detour into the park to check it out.  I must say the rise into the park is nice, we were there on a week day and the traffic was not bad plenty of parking as well.  It is a state park so without a state pass it is $10 to enter the park, I have a state pass.  As you climb to the plateau on the way in go through the ages of rocks and the top out on the plateau and begin to see the beginnings of the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River flows down to Lake Powell.  You can drive further down the road and enter Canyonlands National Park, but time did not permit it this time around, another return trip agenda.  We got to the entrance and was waved through and we passed by the visitors center and wondered how many people stop there and think that is it, when in reality the point is another .75 miles around the corner.  We pulled into the parking lot, again plenty of spaces.  We walked around took pictures and marveled at the beauty and vastness of the scene.  We felt out of place however being the only people there at the time that spoke English as our first language.  Great to see America is still a destination for many countries.  After looking around and going out on one of the only points you can still access without a barrier on it, we loaded up and got out of range of the no-seeums, and other biting bugs, yes you need bug spray.  We stopped at the visitor center and I bought a few things, one present for my Dad for father’s day.  It was a great side trip and we wondered what were the first visitors thinking when they saw this place.  We headed back to the highway and for home.  The road home was long, our destination seemed forever away.  We did stop in Helper at the Balance Rock Eatery and Pub for lunch.  Cool old building been there since 1906, had an antique workable pool table and lots of antique furniture.  The upper loft was filled with pictures.  Good food and the rock chips grow on you.  This trip has been a great adventure, get out and see the country folks there many hidden treasures.

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