Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flaming Gorge with "The Fish Teaser"

Friday afternoon we left for Manila, a small town on the edge of Flaming Gorge.  It sits just inside the Utah border from Wyoming, a short 3 hour drive from home.  Jimmy and Rogan were with me on this trip Parker had to work at his new position.  We stopped for a quick bite to eat at a local burger joint in Orem.  We also stopped in Evanston and picked up supplies and our Wyoming tags for Flaming Gorge.  After a short stop we were back on the road.  Pulling into Manila around 9:30 pm we made it to our motel.  set up camp for the night, after working on for a short time we called it a night and crashed.

5 am came quick and we were on the road to the Lucerne marina in and out of Wyoming to get there it was only 10 minutes down the road to meet Capt'n Monty at the dock.  We met up with Monty and "The Fish Teaser" a beautiful 24 ft Thunder Jet boat with 400 h.p. in the hull.  When Monty puts the lever down it will sit you back in the air ride captain chairs.  We were moving into Wyoming by 6:15 am and looking for Kokanee Salmon.

We stopped and Monty set us up for the day with 4 poles, running a couple different dodgers on each pole and wedding rings trailing.  Monty ties his own lures and showed us how to make them.  We were in fish within just a few minutes of our first troll, Rogan took the lead on this one and had it at the boat just before it popped off, kind of the story of the day, long distance releases.  Another came on line and Jimmy took this one, he got it to the boat and Monty scooped it with his net.
We had fish hitting all morning, we had wind all morning, by noon we were tired of the wind.  We fished in Wyoming the entire time and found schools of Kokanee in the area, as usual as we started netting more fish more boats came into our line, one even cut us off our track completely.  We got over it and caught a nice 4 lb Kokanee right in front of them.....LOL!  I was quite happy with pulling this big guy in.  We all caught fish and released a few from the net, not LDR's.  Capt'n Monty was on it today.

As I mentioned earlier we were tired of the wind by noon so we found a cove out of the wind and ate lunch.  This is when Monty showed how to tie the lures he uses, when not using Christenson's Lake Shore Tackle.  Monty took time to show and teach us how to tie the not for each lure and to set up a double hook system.  He explained to us the reason why he used each part and color for each and when to use them.  Yep had the video camera right there and I was so enthralled in the presentation I forgot to catch the lesson on video...DOH!  I guess you will have to book your own trip with Captain Monty Thurgood and Fish Teaser to learn.

After a good lunch and lesson we went for it only to find 4-5 foot swells on the main body.  We went back toward Luceren and went into Red Canyon, along the way we watched another boat lose their trolling motor off the back of the boat, they hit one of the big swells and the motor flew off the back and into the lake, Monty explained there hundreds of casualties like that in the lake.  We made it into the canyon and the fish finder was not seeing anything.  We searched for about an hour and found nothing.  We called it a day about 2:30 pm as well as did most of the fishers on the water it was rough and I was glad we were on the Fish Teaser, it handled the big water very well under the well qualified Guide Captain Monty.

This trip is a yearly sojourn for us now, hopefully nest year Parker will be through with school and be able to join us.  We had a great day and caught a lot of fish before noon, Capt'n Monty knows where they are and how to find them.

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