Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fuji, Fuji, Fish, Fish!

Jimmy with a nice chunky rainbow
Yep!  We thought the same thing at 6 am when the clerk at our Sev. told us that was the magical fish call that her grandfather told her to say when they were fishing.  We tried it out, we must not have had the right karma going for us, it didn't produce like she said it would....LOL.  We did however find some healthy rainbow at DC again today.  Jim and I went out, it was scheduled as a Strawberry trip but someone slept in, he has begged forgiveness, still pondering that.  Fish Steeler was on DC by 6:30, so not too late and it started off great.  I put a cowbell rainbow pop on with a worm trailer and within a couple minutes had one on line, nice chunky bow.  
We fished Dead Sheep Point for about an hour, the top side of the lane was good the bottom not so much.  Jimmy missed a couple, but did land one nice bow before we left for the Sea of Galilee and Dead Sea lanes.  He was running cowbell/prism tape usually the hot ticket on DC but we figured out he had a short leader on his hook.  He was running a "new hook", to be announced soon.  We fixed that, he was still getting hits but not hooking them, we both had issues trying to muscle them in today.  Good reminder not to hurry a fish in.  I put a second pole in with a dodger set up and got a couple of nice bows just under the surface in late morning and I got the last 2 on the rainbow pop gear running deep.
We fished the SoG and DS for the rest of the morning and had our limits by 11 am.  Thinking we were done and headed home I started packing up and stowing equipment.  Jimmy on the other hand had other ideas.  He wanted to fish the banks for bass.  Sounded like a plan, so we cut across the lake to white rocks and started casting.  A few lure changes later I finally got a small, small mouth bass.  It was fun but still small.
Small mouth bass on DC
  We fished on for a little while and again a few lure changes and I got a perch to the boat.  It was slow to say the least others that were near us weren't catching any faster.  We fished until 2 pm and called it a day.
Our live well had 8 nice rainbow trout in it and we needed to get them home.  We thought it would have been a packed today since it was "Free Fish Day" for Utah, there were a few more bank fishers but not as many as you would think or like to see for the sport to grow.  
We got to the dock and I went after the truck while Jimmy tended the Fish Steeler at the dock.  While I was getting the Mule a group of folks at the dock asked if he could help out with a stranded boat.  When I got back they asked me, since I have been rescued a couple times due to mechanical issues, it was time to pay it forward so we ran out and towed the boat in.  He had tried to start his I/O without turning on his blower and flooded it and was adrift.  Lesson learned turn on your blower folks, plus it could have been extremely bad had it ignited the fumes in the engine compartment.  He said, after we got him back to the dock, that he should have learned from the previous week when he did the same thing. Lesson 2 make a check list of procedures, either written or a good mental one.  He was new boat owner and I can say it took me a couple times with my first boat to learn a few things but each time I added it to the check list.  All turned out well and they got the boat loaded.  
We headed for home and dropped off our catch to neighbors and friends that love fish.  One is my parents neighbor, he is awesome, he cares for them when I can't and does yard work for them.  I gladly give him a couple fish each trip, he loves fish but is not a fisher.  Glad to keep him supplied, he fixed the last catch of the day with a brine salt solution and liquid smoke in his oven on low heat, he said it was delicious.
I on the other hand fixed my fillets on Wasatch Mountain Seasoned Gourmet Cedar Planks, or we call them Wasatch Planks.  These are a must use when grilling and wanting that tint of smoke flavor and better yet these are seasoned with different herbs, spices and ingredients.  Today I used Rosemary/Merlot, but you will have to go to the other sites to learn more.

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