Friday, April 8, 2016

Big Sand Wash Reservoir - Fishing

Thursday afternoon Parker and I went on an adventure to new waters. Big Sand Wash Reservoir in the Uinta Basin. We didn't really know what to expect but were excited about the prospects. Parker is really taking to this finding new waters and exploring them. Parker loaded up his pontoon with new battery and picked me up, yep he drove and I enjoyed the ride! We stopped in Heber for a bite and then headed east. We stopped in Duchesne to get some drinks and snacks and continued our journey east. We turned north just outside of Duchesne and made our way to the lake.

We got on he lake about 3 pm. Parker loaded and prepped his pontoon for launch and readied myself for some shore fishing. I left and went to the spillway and started casting K-masters. First the cast got nothing, I changed colors to an orange K-master and second cast caught a nice 20 inch Rainbow trout, it gave a decent fight and took some drag made it enjoyable to be on the lake again. Parker was still readying himself and getting things in order by the time I caught my first. The orange k-master was a one hit wonder ten more cast and nothing. I changed to a red shiner patter and again on the second cast a nice heavy hit. Another nice Rainbow trout on the end of the line. A good 20+ inch Rainbow and easily two pounds made his way to shore with my help. I had a good little docking area for the fish with a little water and nice smooth rocks to rest on while I got the hook out. Parker by now had past my area on his way to other side of the lake with trolling motor going. Again the red shiner was a one hit wonder so changed up and changed again. Nothing was enticing the crowd to hit.

I tried something new and put a triple teaser trailer hook about 18 inches off the k-master. This proved to be enticing but not enough to for a full blown bite, I got a number of hits on the setup but didn't hook up any fish. I was spent by this time and made my way back to the truck. I rested for a few and got up to try my luck at the dock.

I looked out across the lake wondering how Parker was doing and noticed he was paddling back across the lake, remember the new battery, yep it died at the furthest reaches of the lake. He paddle for a good hour into the wind before he made the dock. Tired but not discouraged he put the other big battery in and left for the rest of his loot. He had one of the nice 20+ inch Rainbow trout and another smaller one. Asking how I was feeling, I replied I was good and to keep going. He went east this time into the wind so if the battery died this time he could drift back the dock.

Parker launched for the second time this time knowing where the channel was and went right to it and hooking up a nice fish that I could see from shore. He got it pontoon side and it flipped out of the water and was gone. No matter Parker righted the pontoon and kept moving through the lane. As I watched he caught about three more fish before I could no longer see if he was catching or not. I walked along the dam and fished a couple areas and again was spent. This surgery has zapped my reserves something fierce.

I stopped and talked with boater coming off the lake. He had a nice 17 ft tracker that he was blowing the webs off for the season. He had been out for a couple hours and got some Rainbows as well nothing big he said. He also said it was really slow for the lake. I asked what other fish are in the waters and he said it had a good population of perch, small mouth bass, large mouth bass and brown trout. Kent was his name, and he said the small mouth bite will turn on next month and he said they are fun to catch. He left and I rested for a minute in the truck.

The sun was getting lower on the horizon and the water was smoothing out. Parker was still working it along the north east shore with cliffs. I watched as he landed another that I could jumping. It had to be decent sized because he was a good football field away from me. He made his way back tot he dock and we readied ourselves for departure. Not before a few pictures of the fish he had landed. One 18 inch and the others were 20 inches plus and pushing better than 2 lbs. He told me he learned to charge his battery before he took it out again, that new battery that he took right off the shelf. We made our way back to Duchesne and had dinner at Cowan's Cafe. made it home by 10 pm. What a great evening on new waters! We will return but next time we will take the Fish Steeler out.

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