Friday, April 1, 2016

Yuba with Shifty

What we were looking for......
Last week I tried out the new shoulder a little, really only by reeling the casts, I laid out. Shifty called me up Wed. to verify that I was still up for the trip to Yuba. Not knowing the condition of the lake and how much wind would be blowing we opted not to take the boat. We arrived at Yuba by 8:30 and was fishing before 9 am. We were on the bank and that never comes out well for me. We fished the dam and northwest shores of Yuba until 1:00 pm. We cast a few hundred times for the day and switched up lures many times and presentation. The best I could muster up was a nice Northern Pike followed me to the shoreline, which I quickly cast back to but to no avail. After moving a few times and covering quite a bit of shoreline we decided that we had enough of Yuba for one day. We should have taken one of our boats it was actually a bluebird day with a little wind but not much. The reservoir is very low for this time of year and the amount of run-off that we have had. Not looking good for later in the summer months.

We weren't content not catching any fish, so we went to Palisades Reservoir, a small irrigation reservoir in Sanpete county. The lake actually held the record Tiger Trout for the state for a number of years. Looking at it you would not believe it. The lake is set in a small canyon adjacent to a golf course both are state parks. The lake is sapphire blue with the mineral content from the mountains it comes from. We fished the banks for the rest of the afternoon. Shifty ended up with 8 fish total and I got 3 to the shore, good for me from the shore. I didn't get any pictures of the day, Shifty did. The fish were all planter rainbows and were returned to grow bigger. We threw spinners and spoons mainly gold or brass and blue fox. A good day spent with a good friend.

Side note of the day, I was trying out my new video cams both Contour roam 2. Figured out the working of the camera and impressed with the quality and clarity of the little cameras. I figured out that the 180* on the lens meant that it inverted the No manual with either camera but now I have it figured out and there will be much more action at out MistyMtnAdventures youtube channel from here on out.

The size we caught!

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