Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fishing Deer Creek with my Grandson

Tuesday evening Parker called and asked if I wanted to join him and Jack on a quick run to Deer Creek and fish a little. Joining him at the homestead we loaded up and took the quick 15 minute ride to the lake.
We parked in the Rainbow Bay parking area and made our way to the water’s edge. With Jack we didn’t want to make a long haul or to steep of a drop. The beach area is good for that. We started tossing lures, me with my K-masters and Parker with his Jakes, he also dropped some power bait on his second pole. Rainbow bay is a large flat that extends out into the main bod of the lake. It is shallow for quite a ways out and hard to find any holes near the bank in high water situations.
I made my way around the bank the northeast point and got nothing after changing lures multiple times. Watching Parker and Jack fish from a distance I made my way back to them quickly and got a few pictures. It was a great evening and sunset on the lake. having my grandson beside me made it that much better! No fish were caught but memories were made. Jack was not ready to go when the sunset but we made our way home and with a little cookie chaser Jack was okay to leave. Next time out the Fish Steeler will be in tow.

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