Friday, April 1, 2016

Fishing Vernon Reservoir with Jimmy and Parker!

Yesterday the boys went out to Vernon Reservoir to tryout Jimmy's new pontoon. He bought one this past week with a 30 lb thrust trolling motor. They left the valley at 3 pm and made their way west along the Pony Express Trail and then southwest to Vernon Reservoir. Arriving around 5 pm they launched by 5:30 and were fishing. The small irrigation reservoir is home to some of the states finest Brown trout. Jimmy was working out kinks of learning how to navigate and work his pontoon but managed a couple fish. Parker is getting the hang of his pontoon and quickly set forth with trolling and landing fish. The weather looked gloomy but the time they arrived at the lake they were clear of the weather and had blue skies and calm waters. Parker said getting in and out of the trail to the lake was interesting but they made it. They ended with one nice Brown trout to keep for the grill. They had a blast and enjoyed their evening on the lake and getting to know their pontoons. I can't wait to get clearance to go with them!! I miss fishing with my boys!!!

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