Sunday, December 9, 2018

Opening Day, Day 2!

Day 2 was the actual opener for Sundance Mountain Resort and my second day on skis. I got there a little after opening and found the lots full. The entire mountain was open and as I learned there were people waiting in line since midnight to get first chair, glad I slept in a little. When I got to my parking stall I waved at a good friend, Dana Cram, that helps run Sundance.

I went directly to back mountain and made runs on the groomed trails. The trials were groomed for cruising and I was skiing my carvers. With little desire to ski the crud of the ungroomed trails the corduroy was the ticket today.

As the day progressed I continued to fine tune my boots fit and feel and control of my edges, my confidence grew and my speed increased. It felt great to be back in boots and planks. I skied till my legs noodled out again but I got in a couple more runs today than yesterday.

During the day I rode up the lift with a few people I hadn't seen in many years,  it was great visiting with them. I even spoke with the infamous Brian Wimmer at the top of Arrowhead. I helped an older gentleman back to his feet, he was grateful for the hand. Please don't pass up the opportunity to assist someone on the slopes, it only makes the day go better.

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