Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day one @ Soldier Creek

 First day of fishing for 2014.  Started out thinking of hitting Currant Creek Res. but they have no easy access for old men with bad knees and ankles.  Beautiful ride up the canyon however!  I went back to Soldier Creek having never ice fished there.  I stopped in the first pullout along with a couple other vehicles and went into the first bay by the highway.  Drilled 2 holes and had a fish on in 3 minutes.  I thought WOO HOO it's gonna be fast and furious.  Nope just kidding, next one didn't hit for another half hour and I was looking at another place when it did hit, almost lost the pole.  It was a nice football sized Rainbow great colors and a hook jaw.  Stayed there for another hour and got a couple hits but nothing decked.  Moved to my other hole that I cut earlier and sunk my lines there, about a half hour went by and finally got a good hit and landed a bigger decent sized Cutt.  All were returned.  Camp one was in 5 ft. of water and the fish were 3 ft.  Camp two was in 25 ft. of water and the fish were suspended at about 12 ft.  The morning was overcast and breezy, but by midday the sun was out and it was a Bluebird Day!  The first little Bow was about 12 inches and tiny, the second was a nice male with great colors as mentioned, the third was a nice sized Cutthroat but definitely inside the slot.  Slow but a great day out in the sun. 

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