Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rainbow Bay Solo

Today started off slow slept in and just hung out for a few.  Decided to go hit the ice about 8 am.  Went to Deer Creek in Rainbow Bay.  Got out on the ice about 9 and started to set camp.
Pulled the auger out of the sled the Choke switch fell in the bottom of the sled!  I thought oh great!!  But I did get it started and ran okay for not being able to control the choke.  Put in 2 holes and set up for a while there.  Only one other person in the Bay.  I sat there for probably a half hour seen nothing on the flasher.  Moved out beyond the buoy’s in deeper water and found them.  First hole produced in 5 minutes!!  That is when I figured out I left the bait bag at home.  No meals, wax nothing.  I thought again great!!  But I had a couple on other hooks and kept the hole going for 3-4 more and then they were gone.  Luckily the other guy on the ice, Dan Bell, was kind enough to give me a couple night crawlers.  He had a couple on top but not getting as many.  I told him the best investment I made was the flasher!   Went back put a piece of worm on and the fun got funner!  That is when things started going crazy they were hitting hard and fast.  White tube and worm was the ticket and choice of the day.  
 Fished until noon started breaking down camp and got to my last pole with the tube and worm and just as I was picking it up BAM!  A nice hit and fight ensued.  Got it out of the hole and it was the best of the day.  Sort a felt like it was saying have a great day come back soon!!  All bows like I say mainly planters but 3-4 were descent sized and the last was a sweet DC Bow football.  Bluebird day, no tent which was great.  Outside of the auger incident it was a perfect day, if I hadn’t left the bait home I would not have used worms, they have never worked for me before through the ice, glad Dan was there to bail me out and feed my addiction.  A cool dozen decked, didn't miss any today, I am figuring out the flasher and loving it!!

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