Monday, January 20, 2014

MLK on DC with Parker

It was a cold morning!!  Famous last words, we won't need the tent today!  It was cold and the wind made it that much colder!!  Bluebird day though not a cloud in the sky.  Got a great sunrise.  Fishing wasn't quite as hot as Thursday but still caught 12.  We holed all 12 but lines would break just as we were lifting them out.  Parker had the hot holes today caught the majority of the fish.  I caught a couple and the last one.  Again the hot ticket was white tube jig and worm, a couple on the rat finky w/shrimp or wax worm.  Got one on the green paddle bug with a meal worm.  The worms!  Were frozen, Parker says, do we need worms?  No, I said......another famous line for the day.  We finally got them out of the container after I put them in my armpit for about an hour.  Other than it being a lot colder than anticipated it was a good day on DC.  Rainbow bay again out by the buoy’s.

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