Saturday, January 4, 2014

Horse Creek Bay

The White Abyss
Parker and I ventured into the Great White Abyss today and went into Horse Creek Bay.  It is about 3 miles from the marina.  It was snowy!  The roads going into the marina were pretty sketchy.  We loaded up and headed for the free territory and made camp.  We were the only ones in that area.  Glad the CanAm is running good.  We cut 3 holes and immediately were getting hits.  The hits were extremely soft.  Our flasher was working great and showing us when they were there.  I finally hooked up a small native, must have been out of the creek.  Again tons of hits but no hook ups or they were getting off before we decked them.  Parker finally landed a dusy!  We were both celebrating this one, he was a nice sized Cutthroat around 20-21 inches we figure.  Since Parker couldn't keep a hold of him long enough to measure or take pictures.....LOL.  We stayed another 30 minutes and no hits just turned off after that.  We went back to the marina got hot chocolate and was deciding to go back out or not.  Craig and Gary were in the narrows, claiming they were slaying them.  We decided to get a bite to  The food at the marina is good, fresh and large.  We decided then that Parker needed to head for home, we loaded up and made it for home the roads were much better than the morning.  Got home and had to clean and dry everything!!  The poor CanAm is going to take a while to clear out all the snow it collected.   Great day on the ice today and always good to catch a couple.
Is there anybody out there 

Parker sportin the beard

Small bow probably from the creek it was a native.
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