Saturday, January 11, 2014

Solo Trip to DC

Went out solo this morning into Rainbow bay.  The ice at the edge was not good and I broke through a couple times but finally found an okay place to get on the ice.  Once out on the hard deck it was 8 inches thick, no worries.  Got my first hole cut by 6:30ish and had the first fish on top in about 5 minutes.  I thought here we go, lock and load.  Had three topside before the sun hit camp.  After that it slowed down.  Got one more out of the hole and then around 10 am it shut off.  I had one more hit, a tap, and then BAM!  It took the whole rig just snapped 6lb test like nothing.  Oh well I know where it resides, LOL.  Good morning the fog rolled in right after I got on the ice made for a real cool look on the ice.  There were quite a few other people in the bay.  Nice to have DC frozen makes for quick easy trips.  The main marina is still wide open however, from sailboat beach to the Wallsburg inlet out around the island.

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