Saturday, May 19, 2018

Kokanee Morning, White Bass Afternoon

Kokanee Morning, White Bass Afternoon all in a good day of fishing. Met up With Danny and his son Easton to go fish the Berry for Kokanee. Danny is a great Kokanee fisher and has put in thousands of hours to understand them and know where to catch them. Kokanee are freshwater salmon and are wonderful tasting. We met and headed up the canyon. We arrived shortly after sun up and were on the water by 7 am.

We came out of the no wake zone and dropped lines. Danny runs a great system of down riggers and long lines to cover as much water as possible.  We put on various colors of Rocky Mountain Tackle dodgers and squids and laid them out in a pattern behind, sure to scare up fish. We watched the fish finder and watched as one after another swam up to and then swam away from our baits. We fished lines that Danny had catch marks all over the screen but to no avail.  I told him it was me, Kokanee have sworn me off, actually I think all fish have.

We fished over to an area known to carry a lot of fish, rainbow trout in particular, and sure enough I hooked up a small rainbow trout. We made a couple passes through here and caught a few more, but we were still in search of Kokanee.

Danny put us back on track for Kokanee and within a few minutes Easton got a hold of a nice hit and started reeling it in a nice fighter.  As the fish got closer we could see the sides flashing that beautiful chrome flash, and knew he had a Koke on the line. Eaton put it in the net and we thought this was it we are going to catch a ton of them. The fish weighed in at 2.3 lbs and was gorgeous.  We fished the rest of morning covering tracks that were laden with catch marks all over, but we could't scare up another Kokanee the rest of the morning.

Great morning on the lake with Danny and Easton. Glad to say this won't be the only trip this summer we will make.

Coming home Shifty texted and asked if I wanted to meet up and catch some white bass down on the river. I of course said yes.  We met up at around 1 pm down by Utah lake on the lower, lower Provo river.  Shifty had been there for a little bit and had already caught quite a few White Bass.

I started off with a chartreuse curly tail jig and got a couple, but then Shifty said to try a blue fox spinner and then I started catching almost every cast. He came back down to the bank and started catching them each cast. We figure between his total and mine we were over 100 White bass.  It was fun and fast action. Ultra light gear makes it even funner!

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