Saturday, May 12, 2018

Starvation; Rainbows and Browns

Last Saturday Parker and I headed to Starvation in hopes of finding some big rainbow and brown trout.  The fishing reports stated fishing was slow but we thought we could be the exception.  We got to the lake by 7 am and the sun was well above the horizon in the basin. We launched and headed straight for our favorite run.

We dropped lines and started trolling.  We fished through our favorite lane and got one fish to take out bait. A nice Rainbow trout, she was filled with eggs so we released her. We continued to run the lanes in the area but only got one other hit the rest of the morning.

Casualty of the trip was getting Parker's down rigger ball snagged in the shallow waters by the island. I thought I had steered clear of it, but not far enough and before we could get the boat to stop the cable had ran out and we lost the whole rig!

We continued to fish and missed a number of short strikes. We tried multiple speeds, depths, colors and still only came up with short strikers.  So we marked up the day as a learning trip to keep in the journal.

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