Monday, October 5, 2020

Trail Ride - Lake Fork

We decided to hit the trail over the weekend. We loaded up the Outlander and headed to the canyon. We ended up in a canyon that I enjoy fishing on the fly called Lake Fork. It's an easy trail and one I know well. We unloaded and started up the trail looking for fall colors. The road is well maintained and nothing to hard. It runs from Thistle Canyon around the backside to a fork that will take you back into Indianola or left to Dansies Canyon. We started off and ran into a few other folks at the start but they thinned out quickly.

We stayed on the main trail for a while then turned off to 325 and rode up the trail to the end where there is a pond/lake. This trail is a little more primitive and fun in my book. The colors along this stretch were great with the scrub oaks popping in bright red and orange. We stopped at the top of the embank of the dam and looked over the canyon that leads out to Indianola. A great view from our vantage point.

We saw Mule deer, big redtail hawks, ducks on the pond, and wild turkeys. It was a pleasant trail ride not too many other folks on the trail. We made our way back to the main road and turned south and took the righthand fork and followed it a ways toward Indianola before we turned around since we were leaving the canyon. We found a nice spot beside the creek and had lunch.

After lunch, we rode back to the fork and took the lefthand fork and went up over the top into Dansies Canyon. Over the top, we ran into the fire burn of a couple years ago and there was very little new growth and the colors were gone on what little bit was alive. We took it a little further just to see if it got any better but it continued to be the same, so we turned around.

Making it back to the fork, we turned toward the truck and running into a few more folks on the main trail and happy we were early enough to miss the crowds. We traveled a little quicker down the trail on our way to the truck and the wind blowing through our hair was just what the doc ordered. We loaded the Outlander and headed for home with smiles on our faces.

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