Saturday, October 31, 2020

Trailride Forest Road 150 North Skyline to 0008

Sally and I took a ride on the Outlander a couple weeks ago. We were in search of fall colors. We missed this area by a couple weeks. We rode this trail in early spring and thought that the colors would be spectacular in the fall. Large Aspen groves and mixed scrub oaks would be a great sight. The scrub oaks were still showing some of their colors but for the most part, the aspens were leafless.

We started out at the trailhead in Spanish Fork Canyon and took FR150 up to the ridge and then turned off onto FR 0008 which takes you down to Scofield Reservoir. Along the way we encountered a few other people on the trail but not like Diamond Fork. We stopped and took in the vistas of many offshoot trails. As we turned off onto FR 0008 we traveled down the trail for a bit and encountered a fallen tree and some guy in a Ford Focus turning around. Yep, that gives you an idea of how tamed this road is.

We let him get turned around and then maneuvered our way around the tree and continued on down the trail. Glad we did too. We saw some great country on this road. Also, a few campsites that looked very enticing for a return trip and stargazing parties. We turned off the main trail onto a side trail and found ourselves on top of a ridge that overlooked the entire area and down into the Scofield basin. This was a great vantage point for viewing the area.
Trail 150-0008 Video

We hung out there for a while, had some snacks and drinks. We turned around and headed back to the main road. We turned south on the main road and traveled for a few more miles before turning around. Again we found many campsites that we will return to. We made our way back to the truck and loaded up. It was a nice fall ride but we missed the colors on this trail. Oh well just gives us reason to return next fall.

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