Thursday, June 30, 2011

6.25.11 Wolf Creek Pass

After a very stressful morning Sally and I got out of the house and away form it.  Landscaping and contractors are pains in the A.  We took off actually for Mill Hollow and got turned back due to road closure, Soapstone the same thing .  We continued on up the canyon and topped out at the pass.  Still quite a bit of snow!  We headed back but not before we went frog hunting in a little pull off on the road where they had created a number of diversion ponds to reduce erosion, frogs were croaking like mad.  We stepped out the truck and starting the mad search for the elusive little things.  They were on to us before we got 10 feet away from the truck.  They went silent and buried themselves in the mud.  Pretty area still.  We went on down and drove Bench Creek and went up Bench Creek road to the bridge at the creek.  It was running very high and hard.  On the way in and out we had to go through some mud holes and that made Sally quite nervous, but no worried the mule went through with out problem one a little deeper than I expected.  We left Bench Creek and went into Heber and got dinner at the Hub, good family style meal.  Headed to ward home but I had to stop and try DC for a minute and nothing  threw a few different lures but not even a sniff!  Good afternoon and evening far better than morning.  OH yeah got a new camera quite nice actually at the pawn shop.  Takes nice pics!  see them below.   Til next time keep smilin"!

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