Saturday, June 25, 2011

Round Valley 6.23

This morning I met up with long time friend and classmate Mark Allen.  He took me to one of his favorite streams located outside of Wallsburg.  We met at Will's pit stop and I hopped in his TLC, of course I was late, not meaning to be but still.  We took off at 7am for Wallsburg and went up as far as the road would let us and then started hiking from there.  Have I mentioned that I haven't hiked in years due to injuries and back pain....ya it showed but with the recent back surgery the pain in the legs were gone but not in the lungs!!!  We put in about 7 miles total.  We fished this little stream using attractors and drop flies most of the day.   Mark landed the first few fish then I put on my renegade and caught a couple myself making a good day a great day.  Yep still no camera!!  But can I tell you how beautiful this area is, no because I am not that gifted with words.  It was beautiful however.  The stream had been worked hard by the forest service, blasting out about 10 beaver ponds in the distance of the stream that we hiked.  Kinda sad, there were places where the holes would have been up to 6 feet in depth, but due to their activity that is why the road is washed out and made it really kinda nice to be the only ones in the canyon that morning.  We caught a number of little brooks, they had bright colors!  Mark needed to be home early so we headed back, not without stopping at one whole where one fish had eluded both of us, I tossed in and no more than the fly hitting the water he came after it hard and in my surprise and enthusiasm I missed him.....but it was fun to see him flash that hard and quick.  We traded stories all the way down the canyon, I could this direction I wasn't huffin' and puffin' so much but I did start to cramp up a little, I think Mark was fearful he was going to have carry me out.  We made plans to hit Fish Creek at which time he said "maybe a couple more hikes between now and then might help you" I giggled and thought to myself no doubt you fat beast!!  It was a great morning with Mark in one of his fav's.  We got back to the TLC and headed down the road only stopping for a burger at Jose's in Wallsburg, if you haven't stopped and talked with Jose you are missing out on good food and a good man.  Til next time keep smilin'!

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