Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deer Creek 6.21

Howdy, hit DC again this time with long time friend Kevin Fox.  He and I have done a few adventures together.  Always a treat to join up with the Foxman.  We got on the lake around 4pm and dragging lines around 4:15.  The reports were all coming in "HOT" DC is Hot!  So we thought what better place to go....not so much!  We trolled until night fall and caught 2 fish trying many different pop gear and lures.  We stayed on the water until 10pm and got off.  Before we left the water though Kevin got a bucket list fish of his, he caught his first Walleye and 2nd, he also landed a small mouth.  We were on the North side of the island and throwing big rattling stick lures and Kevin landed a nice 1.5 lb Walleye, he was so excited and surprised by the catch.  Although the fishing was slow due I think to a bit of a breeze, that actually made us use the gas motor most of the evening.  The time was relaxing and Kevin shared more stories of his uncle and his fishing adventures.  The evening ended at the dock at which point I got up to get out of the boat and proceeded to drop my camera in the lake!!!  DOH!!!!  It went deep too we couldn't reach bottom after about 8' of reach.....Kevin continued to look for it while I went and got the truck and he dropped his flashlight.....ya so anyways that means no pictures of this trip!  I was saddened to loose my camera many memories were taken with it, luckily the only pics on were from that evening, 2 pics of me with my rainbows and 3-4 pics of Kevin with Wally's and smally, sorry Kev.  I did get a couple of him with his camera which didn't get dropped.  He uploaded a couple to FB.  The fillets of Walleye were tasty!  Nice white flaky, light tasting fish.  Til next time keep smilin'!

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