Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rock Port 6.22

This evening I hooked up with good friend and long time neighbor Gary Schlenker and we went to Rock Port.  We chose RP due to the reports saying "Red Hot".  Ya not so much the attendant at the gate told us a couple places to try, and one guy just off the lake with a couple, which should have clued us in, told us where he was.  We got on the water by 5pm and lines in by 5:10.  We headed toward the spots the people talked to us about and trolled rainbow pop gear and brassy/nickel with worms.  Played around that area for about an hour and nothing.  So, I told Gary I know where they are and that is where we headed to Parker's and I's spot by the fingers.  On the way down we seen more and more debris coming at us from the run off from the river, tons of driftwood and other garbage.  We made our destination and began dragging again.  I told Gary the pattern and where we would see the most action in the pattern, he was skeptical.  We got in the pattern and sure enough we hit the spot where I told him we would catch them and he hooked up a nice bow, remember last night I dropped the camera right, plus I forgot to mention that I broke my trolling pole tip as well!!  So tonight I have a brand new pole :)  Back to the fishing, we trolled until dusk.  Gary landed 4 bows on a prism flasher pop gear the only we had, I had some nice hits but lost them, doh!  It was another great evening and relaxing. Gary shared adventures of his youth and adventures in upper Minnesota.  Talking about putting together a trip to lakes there, on my bucket list.  Til next time keep smilin'!

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