Thursday, June 30, 2011

6.27.11 FHE Silver Lake

We got out of Dodge again, tired of spending great evenings inside we ventured to the mountains up AF Canyon this time and went to Silver Flat Lake.  A nice little lake/res above Tibble fork.  It was High!  And the have shut off access to the Island now, or perhaps just for the high water marks period, we will see.  It think once they have closed access we will not see it again.  Easy enough though to just walk out there.  We stopped on the road side and went down to the edge of the water and set up and had a subs.  I fished for a couple hours and Sally read.  It was another fantastic evening and pretty quiet evening considering we were at Silver usually loaded with ATV's racing up and down the road.  I got a couple planters and one pretty native Brook.  It had great colors to it.  Sally was running the camera tonight and got a couple for prosperity.  til next time keep smilin'!

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