Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deer Creek 6.18

Hit Deer Creek this morning with long time family friend Rick Fowler aka "uttrout".  He is an avid fisher mainly fly but works the spin rod quite well also.  We went for trout on the troll, I think maybe one of his first times ever doing it.  We got on the lake around 6am and had lines in the water by 6:15.  It was the first voyage for the yacht this year and with some new equipment aboard, electric trolling motor and lights, although we did not need the lights this trip.  We started out kinda slow going toward the island as we left the dock both of us dragging rainbow pop and a worm.  Rick had Parker's old rod and reel, seemed to be working until pressure was put on it.  It stopped winding correctly at that point, but Rick just persevered and kept fishing.  I was the first to catch and land one we each had hits kept missing them.  I changed to a brassy/nickel diamond and Rick continued with the rainbow.  We each caught our limit and had a great time on the lake.  Rick shared stories of his fishing adventures with his son that is in CO. and a veteran of the Iraq war with some very severe injuries from burns caused by an IED that exploded on there Humvee.  He had great stories.  We each took pictures of one another and our fish, Rick has pics of me so you will see pics of Rick in this report.  Some nice sized rainbows and they came quick.  We loaded and on the road again by 10am.  Went to the main state ramp and filleted them quickly.  Passers by kept commenting been fishing heh....I so wanted to say, Nope flying's your sign.  But I refrained and just said sure.  A great morning with great company hopefully we will get together often and share the water.  Til next time keep smiling!

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