Today we went after Mr. Whiskers. We started out going to Bird Isl. and struck out, another boat beat us to the hole and they caught a couple in the hour we were there. After that we went to the reeds. Where Kelly instantly hooked up a nice channel. He was using shrimp. I cast out the front with a hot dog and within seconds my bobber went under. This was the pattern for the next your. Parker and Kelly were in my hole as soon as I was out with another fish. this kept going until around 11:30. We moved to our next sport and Parker hooked up immediately we thought we found another hot spot, but this turned out to be the only one in that spot. We moved again and found nothing, after about an hour of moving and casting we called it a day. We ended up with 12 total and myself catching the most, but Kelly caught the first and the biggest of the day. It was a good morning of hunting cats.
Ski-Fish-Ride in the high mountain deserts of Utah. #livingutoutdoors #skifishride #fishsteeler
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Hot Doggin' for Cats!
Today we went after Mr. Whiskers. We started out going to Bird Isl. and struck out, another boat beat us to the hole and they caught a couple in the hour we were there. After that we went to the reeds. Where Kelly instantly hooked up a nice channel. He was using shrimp. I cast out the front with a hot dog and within seconds my bobber went under. This was the pattern for the next your. Parker and Kelly were in my hole as soon as I was out with another fish. this kept going until around 11:30. We moved to our next sport and Parker hooked up immediately we thought we found another hot spot, but this turned out to be the only one in that spot. We moved again and found nothing, after about an hour of moving and casting we called it a day. We ended up with 12 total and myself catching the most, but Kelly caught the first and the biggest of the day. It was a good morning of hunting cats.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Three Days of Fishing Bliss @ Henry's Lake
We headed out Friday afternoon and arrived at the cabin that evening about 10:30. The earliest they had arrived in the many years. Background, this trip has been happening for more than 20 years. Gary Daniels and his brothers own a cabin on Henry's Lake, just outside of West Yellowstone. I asked for a couple years if I could join in on the adventure. The answer was always a disappointing no not enough boat space. This year I was given permission by my wife and they said okay to me. I took the Fish Steeler to Henry's Lake. First real road trip for the new rig, Mule and Fish Steeler traveled well. Okay so we made it to the cabin and set up camp in the basement, Craig and I both can saw logs so we got the bottom level, I brought my head phones. Saturday morning came early, after an evening of waiting for all the party members to arrive.
Day 1 We woke and got on the water around 8 a little late for most outings but we were literally on the water's edge with a private dock to launch from. We fished the morning until lunch time and went in had a bite to eat and quick power nap for most. Matt Norman was the hot hand on the boat this morning landing well over 10 fish all cutthroats. Craig got on the board with a few nice Cutthroats as well. I finally put one in the boat before the morning session came to a close. After our rest and recharge of the batteries we went back out for the evening session. Henry’s Lake has a fishing season that opens the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. The fish were ready to eat and proved it. The evening session wasn't much different than the morning, Matt was slaying them with a ¾ oz. Jakes lure, silver and red dots. Craig coaxed a few more to bite and landed 8 fish for the evening session, using KO Wobbler’s and Jakes. We pulled out of the marina under the night sky. It was Bluebird day! The group said they had not had many days like that one in the time they had been fishing opening day, most of the time it was rain or snow. We had fish for dinner that night on the Cedar planks that Craig manufactures and sales. The cedar planks we used were margarita lime flavored. Can you say delicious! You can check out the planks at Wasatch Planks, click here.
Day 2; Morning came a little earlier on Sunday and after a quick breakfast we were on the water by 7 and catching fish. Today we tried a new area of the lake to see if they were more productive. On the cliffs we had a few hits and caught a couple but not fast and furious. Craig had one that would have won our tourney for the largest fish but the big cutthroat seen the boat and made a hard fast turn releasing itself on a LDR but we had a good look at it and it was very nice. We still had not landed Brookie. We finished the morning off with Craig putting together a string of catches. Craig was running a KO wobbler. I ran various types, colors and shapes to entice the fish more. I ended the morning session with few more then yesterday. Again we pulled the boat up to the cabin for a recharge. I put in a parallel set up of 2 batteries to run the trolling motor. The extra and bigger batteries made for a long trolling session each day. The evening session started around 3 that afternoon and we fished in a set pattern that had been productive for us. Jaxon joined the Fish Steeler crew today and he got the first fish on the boat and he didn't slow. He caught 8 or 9 fish from 3:30 until dusk. Craig found the right lure and was bringing them as well. Tonight we found a few Brook trout and they had excellent colors to them, they were big and healthy. We kept a couple for dinner. I managed a couple more but still had not figured out what they really wanted from me. I did notice that each time I put the lure away from the boat I got more hits and catches. So that is one to remember when fishing the front of the boat. The others fishing form the back of the boat didn't have the same pattern. I switched to a Jakes, truly not my favorite lure to go to, however tonight it proved to be the ticket. I landed over 10 fish in a matter of an hour. I also noticed another pattern that gave me hits, I would jig the lure as we trolled. The motion of speeding up the lure and letting drop for a second really gave them the itch to strike my lure on the release of the lure. We had another Bluebird day but with a little wind and rain in the evening session and yes lightning. We got back to the cabin and plugged in the batteries for a charge. We had slow cooked BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner.
Day 3; Earlier to bed tonight and earlier to rise on Monday morning our last session for the weekend it came upon us way to fast. Myself, Craig and Gary were fishing on the Fish Steeler. I started with the Jakes and the same pattern of jigging and distance from the boat. Within a couple minutes I had my first fish on the line. It was a nice Brook, big shoulder and nice girth to it. I had five more fish within minutes. Had 2 large fish snap my line on the first strikes. Both of my Jakes were gone, Craig was kind enough to let me use his and his lure got broke off as well by a one hitter. I was bummed no more Jakes, but Gary had one left and graciously let me use it for the remainder of the morning session. I got another 7 fish before we loaded and headed for home. Gary ended up with a couple and Craig the same. Again KO Wobblers with orange, blue and red were the hot tickets as well. We loaded and cleaned the cabin and left for home around noon the day was gorgeous again, in the years the party had been attending opening they said this had to be one of the best weather trips ever recorded.
As a party we caught over 500 fish total and kept a couple for dinner. The Brook Trout were very healthy as were the Colorado Cutthroat trout. I did not realize how shallow that lake truly is. The deepest point was 18’ and the fish were not in deep water. I could not troll with my usual lead core line or we would have been hung up all weekend, as it was we still had to clear off the grass at times with shallow running gear and lost a couple lures to the lake grass. I had a great time and hope to return next year with a better knowledge of the gear needed. From the trip I decided to reset the tool harness for the back of the boat, decided not to put in storage lockers under the seat deck. With the dual battery set up we have a lot more time on the water.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Solo at Vernon
Thursday, May 15, 2014
DC with Mike D.
Today was a day of many years! For many years Mike and I have planned to go fishing together. It took place today and it was fabulous. We fished from 6:30 to noon and had fun sharing stories and talking about vball. We talked a lot about the future and where things are going. Fishing was superb, to begin with we fished Dead Sheep Point. Now that I know Turkeys were actually the victims of the truck crash it makes even a better name. Anyhow we fished there and caught a couple fish and missed a few fish. We got tired of not getting hits and went to the Sea of Galilea and limited out by noon. There were a couple old guys right beside us catching fish and I noticed they were running rainbow prism dodgers and a worm. I had Mike put on the prism pop gear and he got hits immediately. He got the last 2 of the limit and was using a special deal at the end. We just wanted to see what it would do, so he kept fishing until the battery was so gone we were barely moving. He got another 2 fish in a matter of minutes, it was cool to see it work. You will have to wait and see it when it hits the market. I will let you know when it is coming out. You will like it!! Bluebird day and it was totally fun. You will see more of Mike on the Fish Steeler. Look for the video on you tube.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Dead Sheep Point
Today Jim and I went into new territory on DC. We went south out of the dock and stayed roadside. We followed the bank down to the dam buoys and then cut across to rail side and went up the bank back to the dock and cut back across to our starting point. Roadside got aptly named "Dead Sheep Point" for the sheep that died in an accident a couple weeks ago and they are removing. They have buoys and markers where you can't enter the area. We did well down Dead Sheep Point and Jim caught the first 2 before we cut across the lake to rail side. He caught another on the way across just as we turned up rail side. Then we didn't get anything the entire length of the bank. We made our way back across the lake and started where we began. We went down Dead Sheep Point again and Jim was successful with another 2 fish boated. He was running JOD's silver and I was running a JOD Dodger with flatfish, this was not the hot ticket, and he had the hot set up. We turned around and went back up roadside and Jim caught another nice bow. All fish caught up to this point were all bows. A couple of them very nice football shaped. Jim was having a great day. We continued on to the first set of buoy markers and had to turn around for our last pass because the battery was dying quickly. We were almost to the end of the run and Jim landed another. I had changed out by now to Rainbow pop and running 3 colors out. As we approached the end of the run I was casting a second pole into the banks seeing if anything would hit a perch. Then my troller got hit hard!! Jim jumped, I dropped my second pole and started reeling. I thought maybe I was dragging bottom, but no it shook its head! It was diving not jumping! It was heavy and diving more. I got it to the boat and it was a large Brown, bigger than the one last week, or so it looked. I got it boat side and told Jim to get the net and bring it in. Nope, it got away as he was trying to net it. AAARRRGGGHHH!! Well we both might have said other more inappropriate words but we will leave those on the lake. A great day anyhow, Jim caught a bunch of fish and only a couple planters, one was a nice hook jaw male from the brooding stock. The day was cold, but calm, and got colder as the day progressed. We trailered the boat and the wind kicked up and made whitecaps. Good timing! We will run that section again in hopes finding "Walter"!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
"Hot as Muffins in an Oven"
5.3.14 Jimmy Lee and I went to DC today on the Fish Steeler. We got to our destination quickly and were the only ones in the lane for about an hour. It took us a few minutes to figure them out this morning but once we did, Jimmy proclaims "It's Hot as Muffins in an Oven" I laughed. I remembered the statement though. It was hot for a few passes then the sun broke through and the pattern changed. One problem with the Fish Steeler is the trolling battery strength, it doesn't last that long after 3 days of use. Need to figure out how to create a longer lasting charge. Anyhow we got 5 in the boat before it turned off and before the battery lost power enough to move at death speed. We left our lane after we were pushed out a number times by others taking over our path. We went to Charleston and anchored up. Threw KM's at them and got 3 hooked up and lost all three of them. Will change the hooks to gama's or something a lot sharper. We saw balloons launching out of Heber and the sun came out and warmed us, then the wind came out and blew us off the lake. All in all it was a fabulous day.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Where to go!?!?
5.2.14 We did end up at Rockport this morning. Parker and I started off the day thinking somewhere NEW! We have not been on Echo and I was thinking Browns! The reports said they had just dumped 35K rainbows in Echo but my eye was caught by the word Brown. I wanted to land a big brown, hadn't done that for a couple years. We went o Echo and low and behold the dock was closed! Really you couldn't post that on your web site the one I was looking at to see what was going on!?!? Anyhow 40 minutes later we were on Rockport. The wind was blowing and it was cold. Really tired of all the wind at this point. We fished our normal patterns, but got no hits.
Parker said okay the middle of the lake to the dam and then across the dam. I was changing everything up and we got close the dam and Parker gets a hit! Next 40 minutes were fun we had fish hitting each pole. We were the only boat in the area during this time. By the time we landed number 7 boats were circling like vultures jumping into our lane and surrounding us. All that being said we still were catching and getting hits and those that came in were not. Parker had boated 4 fish and myself 3. Parker said on our last pass at the dam, “well dad you need to catch one we will be tied for total. We started our turn and the pole almost jumped out of the holder. I grabbed it and thought for a minute I snagged. Then it shook its head!
I kept reeling and it was diving and pulling hard. I knew it was big, but not as big as it turned out to be. In true form the diving and head shakes proved to be what I was in search of for the day a “Brown”. When it finally came into sight Parker and I both let out some shouts! Last fish of the day Biggest fish of the day! It was a nice sized Brown and really nice sized for Rockport. We have never caught a huge fish let alone a Brown in Rockport. We both shouted and danced around. All the other boats drew near and then finally pulled right up and started talking. Yep good day at the Port!! Windy and cold but came out HOT! We finished off the morning with a stop at the Polar King, best burgers in the high valley. Sorry didn’t get a picture of the burgers.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Fish Steeler with Shifty on DC
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