Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hot Doggin' for Cats!

Today we went after Mr. Whiskers.  We started out going to Bird Isl. and struck out, another boat beat us to the hole and they caught a couple in the hour we were there.  After that we went to the reeds.  Where Kelly instantly hooked up a nice channel.  He was using shrimp.  I cast out the front with a hot dog and within seconds my bobber went under.  This was the pattern for the next your. Parker and Kelly were in my hole as soon as I was out with another fish.  this kept going until around 11:30.  We moved to our next sport and Parker hooked up immediately we thought we found another hot spot, but this turned out to be the only one in that spot.  We moved again and found nothing, after about an hour of moving and casting we called it a day.  We ended up with 12 total and myself catching the most, but Kelly caught the first and the biggest of the day.  It was a good morning of hunting cats.

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