Friday, May 2, 2014

Where to go!?!?

5.2.14 We did end up at Rockport this morning.  Parker and I started off the day thinking somewhere NEW!  We have not been on Echo and I was thinking Browns!  The reports said they had just dumped 35K rainbows in Echo but my eye was caught by the word Brown.  I wanted to land a big brown, hadn't done that for a couple years.  We went o Echo and low and behold the dock was closed!  Really you couldn't post that on your web site the one I was looking at to see what was going on!?!?  Anyhow 40 minutes later we were on Rockport.  The wind was blowing and it was cold.  Really tired of all the wind at this point.  We fished our normal patterns, but got no hits.

Parker said okay the middle of the lake to the dam and then across the dam. I was changing everything up and we got close the dam and Parker gets a hit! Next 40 minutes were fun we had fish hitting each pole. We were the only boat in the area during this time. By the time we landed number 7 boats were circling like vultures jumping into our lane and surrounding us. All that being said we still were catching and getting hits and those that came in were not. Parker had boated 4 fish and myself 3. Parker said on our last pass at the dam, “well dad you need to catch one we will be tied for total. We started our turn and the pole almost jumped out of the holder. I grabbed it and thought for a minute I snagged. Then it shook its head!

kept reeling and it was diving and pulling hard. I knew it was big, but not as big as it turned out to be.  In true form the diving and head shakes proved to be what I was in search of for the day a “Brown”.  When it finally came into sight Parker and I both let out some shouts!  Last fish of the day Biggest fish of the day!  It was a nice sized Brown and really nice sized for Rockport.  We have never caught a huge fish let alone a Brown in Rockport.  We both shouted and danced around.  All the other boats drew near and then finally pulled right up and started talking.  Yep good day at the Port!!  Windy and cold but came out HOT!  We finished off the morning with a stop at the Polar King, best burgers in the high valley.  Sorry didn’t get a picture of the burgers.

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