Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dead Sheep Point

Today Jim and I went into new territory on DC.  We went south out of the dock and stayed roadside.  We followed the bank down to the dam buoys and then cut across to rail side and went up the bank back to the dock and cut back across to our starting point.  Roadside got aptly named "Dead Sheep Point" for the sheep that died in an accident a couple weeks ago and they are removing.  They have buoys and markers where you can't enter the area.  We did well down Dead Sheep Point and Jim caught the first 2 before we cut across the lake to rail side.  He caught another on the way across just as we turned up rail side.  Then we didn't get anything the entire length of the bank.  We made our way back across the lake and started where we began.  We went down Dead Sheep Point again and Jim was successful with another 2 fish boated.  He was running JOD's silver and I was running a JOD Dodger with flatfish, this was not the hot ticket, and he had the hot set up.  We turned around and went back up roadside and Jim caught another nice bow.  All fish caught up to this point were all bows.  A couple of them very nice football shaped.  Jim was having a great day.  We continued on to the first set of buoy markers and had to turn around for our last pass because the battery was dying quickly.  We were almost to the end of the run and Jim landed another.  I had changed out by now to Rainbow pop and running 3 colors out.  As we approached the end of the run I was casting a second pole into the banks seeing if anything would hit a perch.  Then my troller got hit hard!!  Jim jumped, I dropped my second pole and started reeling.  I thought maybe I was dragging bottom, but no it shook its head!  It was diving not jumping!  It was heavy and diving more.  I got it to the boat and it was a large Brown, bigger than the one last week, or so it looked.  I got it boat side and told Jim to get the net and bring it in.  Nope, it got away as he was trying to net it.  AAARRRGGGHHH!!  Well we both might have said other more inappropriate words but we will leave those on the lake.  A great day anyhow, Jim caught a bunch of fish and only a couple planters, one was a nice hook jaw male from the brooding stock.  The day was cold, but calm, and got colder as the day progressed.  We trailered the boat and the wind kicked up and made whitecaps.  Good timing!  We will run that section again in hopes finding "Walter"!

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