Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Hot as Muffins in an Oven"

5.3.14 Jimmy Lee and I went to DC today on the Fish Steeler.  We got to our destination quickly and were the only ones in the lane for about an hour.  It took us a few minutes to figure them out this morning but once we did, Jimmy proclaims "It's Hot as Muffins in an Oven" I laughed.  I remembered the statement though.  It was hot for a few passes then the sun broke through and the pattern changed.  One problem with the Fish Steeler is the trolling battery strength, it doesn't last that long after 3 days of use.  Need to figure out how to create a longer lasting charge.  Anyhow we got 5 in the boat before it turned off and before the battery lost power enough to move at death speed.  We left our lane after we were pushed out a number times by others taking over our path.  We went to Charleston and anchored up.  Threw KM's at them and got 3 hooked up and lost all three of them.  Will change the hooks to gama's or something a lot sharper.  We saw balloons launching out of Heber and the sun came out and warmed us, then the wind came out and blew us off the lake.    All in all it was a fabulous day.

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