Thursday, May 15, 2014

DC with Mike D.

Today was a day of many years!  For many years Mike and I have planned to go fishing together.  It took place today and it was fabulous.  We fished from 6:30 to noon and had fun sharing stories and talking about vball.  We talked a lot about the future and where things are going.  Fishing was superb, to begin with we fished Dead Sheep Point.  Now that I know Turkeys were actually the victims of the truck crash it makes even a better name.  Anyhow we fished there and caught a couple fish and missed a few fish.  We got tired of not getting hits and went to the Sea of Galilea and limited out by noon.  There were a couple old guys right beside us catching fish and I noticed they were running rainbow prism dodgers and a worm.   I had Mike put on the prism pop gear and he got hits immediately.  He got the last 2 of the limit and was using a special deal at the end.  We just wanted to see what it would do, so he kept fishing until the battery was so gone we were barely moving.  He got another 2 fish in a matter of minutes, it was cool to see it work.  You will have to wait and see it when it hits the market.  I will let you know when it is coming out.  You will like it!!  Bluebird day and it was totally fun.  You will see more of Mike on the Fish Steeler.  Look for the video on you tube.

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