Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Texan on Strawberry Ice Fishin'

Took Chris and his neighbor Martin to Strawberry. Martin from the UK had never been ice fishing in fact this was his second time fishing ever. Made for a fun morning. We set camp in the marina bay and started with the usual paddle bugs and bait.  I hooked up a nice big cutthroat within minutes. Fought it to the top of the hole where it finally released itself, big body had a hard time getting it to the surface through the 10 inch hole.  Chris got into another but as you see in the video he didn't get through the hole.  The rest the morning we didn't get another hit! We changed up everything moved around different depths.

Guess we need some "money" holes! The propane auger road its last trip with me though. The throttle broke and then would not start, so I rented an electric auger from the store and fell in love with it. Will be buying an electric auger soon. We cut the rest of the holes that day with the electric, quick clean and silent! No pulling your shoulder out of socket to get things running.

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