Monday, January 16, 2017

Texan's on Ice at Rockport

Saturday morning I met up with Chris and his son Tyler for an ice fishing trip to Rockport.  I fished there Friday and did okay in the early afternoon, I thought it would be a good way to get them on fish quickly.  6 am pick up at the Sportsman in Heber and we were on our way.  Getting to the lake the edges were good and we parked in the ramp making it very easy to get on the lake. We went back out to the buoy I was at Friday.  Mac, Gary and Tom were already there and set up catching fish.

Seeing that made me feel good about bringing them to Rockport.  I set up Tyler first in the tent and before we knew it he had one on line. The first of a dozen for the morning. Tyler caught three planter bows real quick using the flasher.  He was having fun and got hooked, he is only nine so that made it ell the better that the fish were hitting fast.

Chris got set up and got a small rainbow to the surface within a couple minutes. I finally set a pole with a shrimp soft bait and let it sit. I wasn't looking to catch any today but make sure they had fun.  By mid-morning the bite slowed and the sun finally broke through and started warming us up. Chris then landed a nice Rainbow Trout and he was excited, so excited he almost dove in the hole to get the fish on the deck.

Almost froze his hands doing so. We fished until 1:30 pm and got a few more planters then I hooked up a nice Rainbow trout as well.  Chris had another break him off at the hole, snapped a Palomar knot like it was nothing.  The only hick up of the morning was someone cut holes and covered them so they didn't freeze over and were hidden, I manage to find them both, one with right foot and one with the left leg clear up up to my hip on that one. That happened right out of the gate so my leg was frozen most of the day. Outside of that it was a great first day on the ice for Chris and Tyler.

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