Sunday, July 7, 2019

Bass Monday

7-01-2019  Shifty did something out of the ordinary last week and asked if we could go fishing Monday morning.  I said okay of course.  Since Thursday was July 4th and we both had obligations we hit the water Monday morning.  Being it was a "special" occasion I decided that we would go after bass all morning.

We got on the water as the mist was rising from the morning coolness, that's right July 1st and I wished I had worn my pants. It was chilly but the water temperature was perfect for a topwater bass bite.  We went north out of the marina and into the small bays on the west side of the lake.  I started with a whopper plopper and Shifty started with a frog.

Second cast and I hooked my first smallmouth bass. Not big by any stretch of the imagination but a fish still. We kept the trolling motor rolling and went through bay after bay and I caught a couple more back in the bays.

Shifty finally got on the board when we got to the rocks and the morning dew had dissipated from the lake and it started warming up. We fished all morning and changed lures plenty trying to catch smallmouth and largemouth bass.  We ended the morning with 17 smallmouth bass on the boat but never did find any largemouth.

The biggest catch of the day was a nasty old towel off the bottom and then it hooked me through the finger. Shifty about lost his cookies but I made him help me get the hook out of my

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