Sunday, July 21, 2019

Full Moon Morning Troll at DC

Thursday this past week we hit Deer Creek for an early morning troll with Josh and Jim.  Josh had conference calls for work so we had to be in the range of his cell, plus DC has been good for us this season.

We didn't know if the moon would play a role in our outcome or not but we went for it.  Fishing is more than catching!  We put in at 5:30 in the predawn lighting the valley look so peaceful and quiet. Mt Timpanogos was starting to glow from the rising sun always a beautiful sight.

We ran the Buoy leg for the morning, with pop gear and worms and I put out a purple descent F9.  We had hits quick and then it died off for a little bit until we got on the buoys. Once we turned into the lane I got a hit and Jim helped me land it. Next Josh was on one with the JoD pop gear. We caught 3 quickly crossing the lake and then turning back into the lane Jim got on one and landed his first fish on Rainbow bola blades.

We each had fish on the boat and were enjoying the morning. The bite continued until 9:00 am and then like a light switch it was done.  We trolled for another hour and the wind kicked up and we didn't get another hit. We changed everything to get some more big bows but nothing doing. We still put 12 in the boat and kept a few for the grill putting back the small ones. Plus Josh had a plane to catch!

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