Friday, January 31, 2020

Sundance Round II

Friday I went up for a morning session just to see how the boots would feel and to go into the crud. I broke out my Wailers for the morning. I thought after I had got there I made a bad choice on the ski selection. It looked as though the mountain had received rain instead of snow Thursday and it was icy. The trails were groomed out but they were hard and icy. I got to the top of Flathead and turned down Grizzly's Ridge and onto Badlands and found it even icier. Loaded onto Red's and went to the top and went into Hill's Headwall for a run and found some decent crud. Got in some good turns. I went back to the top and hit Liftline again this time for redemption. I hit to the right and made it through the cruddy crud and back to the bottom. The lines started forming with film festival-goers and my boots were tapping me out. I made a few runs but when I had to wait in line for more than a couple minutes I called it and went directly to get my boots worked on by Lynn. I think we have them dialed in!! I can't wait to get on them next week.

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